Choosing Your Ticket

What Ticket is Right For Me?

21st Century Learning events are about bringing together all those involved in education to share best practices, make connections, and grow our communities of learners. The primary audience for our events is K-12 educators, but we also of course welcome all the other people, organizations, and groups that make education thrive.

In order to ensure that our events offer a holistic learning experience for all our participants, as well as to provide business opportunities for consultants and partner organizations, we offer different types of tickets and promotional opportunities that are intended to be fair and transparent to all.

Please use this guide to determine the appropriate ticket for you for any of our events. 

Are you a…

Type of Ticket to Purchase

Educator/Leader in K-12 SchoolEducator Ticket
Educator/Leader in Learning Academy/After School ProgramEducator Ticket

Unless your company also provides/sells services to K-12 Schools. In that case, you should purchase a Corporate Ticket

Educator/Leader in Higher EducationEducator Ticket

If you are providing educators in K-12 schools offering such as degree programs, certificates, etc we offer a 50% discount for exhibition and sponsorship on a case-by-case basis

Full-time Educational ConsultantEducator Ticket

If you are presenting at the conference your presentation should be content focused and non-commercial. You can of course mention that you are a consultant and your company name but any presentation opportunity should NOT be a sales pitch. If you wish to make your presentation more explicitly sales-oriented, you can purchase a discounted exhibition table at 50% discount (on a case-by-case basis)

PD/Training CompaniesIf the company/organization is primarily doing face-to-face and synchronous online training then, the Educator Ticket is appropriate (the same stipulations apply to full-time consultants)

Owner/Employee of Company Providing Services to EducationCorporate Ticket and/or Sponsor/Exhibitor

Non Profit/NGOIf the NGO/Non-Profit is providing services at a fee to K-12 schools then they can apply for a 50% discount on the exhibitor/sponsorship packages.

If NGO/Non-Profit is providing services to K-12 schools free of charge then an educator ticket applies.

Questions? Send us your queries at