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Innovative Teaching & Learning With Technology
Punya Mishra will be leading one day workshops in three cities. In each city one workshop will be targeted toward teachers and the other towards administrators and technology leaders. Each workshop will bring Punyas highly engaging workshop leadership skills along with his research based strategies, tools and frameworks to both teacher and leadership roles. Each workshop will rely on the TPACK framework which Dr. Mishra co-developed.
The Teacher Workshop
Who should attend? K-12 Teachers and Teacher Leaders who want frameworks & toolkits to help infuse technology into their classroom.
Workshop Objectives
- Support you with useful tools and strategies in your direct or indirect leadership of pedagogical technology in your school
- Develop understanding of TPACK (Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge)
- Explore real ways to genuinely integrate ICT with content and pedagogy.
- Discover what is meant by ‘creativity’ and explore how it can be ‘taught’ using digital tools
- How can we become more creative in teaching?
- What is the role of technology in this process?
The Technology Leader and Educational Leader Workshop
Who Should Attend? School Administrators and Technology Directors who want to systematically infuse technology into learning, ICT Facilitators & Technology Coaches who have responsibility for training teachers.
Workshop Objectives
- Enhance your skills in planning and delivery of learning experiences that integrate technology to truly impact student learning
- Understanding of and how to apply TPACK framework with teachers to enhance ability to deliver instruction for 21st century learners
- Assessment strategies to ensure professional development programs are meeting the needs of teachers
- Professional development strategies to best support authentic use of technology in various disciplines
What Is TPACK?
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge. At the heart of the TPACK framework, is the complex interplay of three primary forms of knowledge: Content (CK), Pedagogy (PK), and Technology (TK).
Dr. Mishras Keynote From 2012 21CLHK Conference
This framework has been described as being “the most significant advancement in the area of technology integration in the past 25 years.”