About Our Survey

The 21C Survey is designed to capture the attitudes, readiness and beliefs of parents, students and staff in schools about the use of technology to support learning and teaching.

The surveys have been designed in a holistic manner to allow comparison between and within stakeholder groups and to also explore wider issues. They gather a mix of quantitative and qualitative data to provide rich insights and deep understanding of beliefs, values and concerns.

Each report typically contains around 100 charts together with carefully culled insights which are unique to the school being surveyed.

Why Now?

International schools are seeing rapid growth in the adoption of social networks and educational technologies across the entire spectrum of home and school life.

Students, parents and staff in the international schools sector are, in general, highly mobile and are extremely well connected with multiple devices and fast home, school and mobile internet access.

And yet, when schools seek to understand the views, behaviours, beliefs and attitudes about technology in education, the only statistical and research data available is from general populations, or state school populations, in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom or Europe.

This survey will examine and report on the use of technology by all stakeholders in the unique international schools arena. Survey results allow comparisons both within and between the three key stakeholder groups plus analysis of similarities and differences between school populations both within and across national boundaries.

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