The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed. – William Gibson

The disruption caused by the pandemic has reinforced what we already knew; there are innovative practitioners leading the way in education, and there are innovative schools that have systematically changed how education is delivered.

This workshop series will give wider exposure to these excellent examples of best practice and by doing so, move them from pockets of innovation to become more widely adopted best practice.

Each workshop will provide an engaging two hour journey and will be delivered by a recognised expert in the topic. Workshops may be repeated through the year and there may be follow up workshops on a given topic exploring particular aspects in greater depth.

Register Your Interest

21st Century Schools Interest

Workshop Design Principles


"This is our way of surfacing innovative practice from schools and
bringing them to educators everywhere in an accessible, fun way."
Justin Hardman
Founder & Director

Upcoming Events

Maker and STEAM Spaces – 3rd Annual SymposiumFebruary 26, 2025