Online Course Participant Policy
- General Information
- Start Date for Online Course Work
- Time Allowed for the Online Course
- Participation
- Policy for Requesting Extensions for Completion of Online Work
- Dropping Online Course
- Moving to a new online course
- Portfolio
Refund Policy
The following refund policy will strictly apply in relation to any cancellations
- More than 60 calendar days prior to the first day of the event a 100% refund will be due less a US$50 administration fee
- Between 30 calendar days and 59 days prior to the event a 50% refund will be due less a US$50 administration fee
- Between 15 calendar days and 29 days prior to the event a 25% refund will be due less a US$50 administration fee
- 14 calendar days or less prior to event no refund will be due under any circumstances
- All refunds are exclusive of the 4% registration charge and any credit card or Pal Processing fees
Registration Transfers
- If an attendee wishes to change from their original certification cohort to another this is permissible at any time prior to the start of the Face to Face workshop subject to availability. This will incur a $50USD administration fee
- An alternative attendee may attend subject to a $50USD administration fee
- If hotel bookings are included, these cannot be changed and are subject to our standard cancellation fees
Face to Face Training Cancellation
21CLI has the right to cancel the event in advance of delivery due to any extenuating circumstances. If the event is canceled all registrants will get a full refund less registration fees or a credit note which can be applied to any other 21CLI events or services. 21CLI will not be liable for any travel costs incurred by the registrant and attendees are strongly advised to ensure airfares and hotels are changeable and/or refundable.
Online Course Participant Policy
General Information
The purpose of this policy is to ensure adequate time is allowed for completion of the online modules which are a required component of the ISTE Certified Educator training.
This policy recognizes the unique and complex environment we are working in which covers multiple countries, different school systems, varied holiday calendars and school schedules.
It is often the case that even within term time, teachers may be required to accompany school trips to regions where there is little or no broadband coverage.
The above has been taken into consideration when setting realistic expectations for the time allowed to complete the online components of the certification.
Start Date for Online Course Work
The online course will commence one week after completion of the face-to-face component. In exceptional circumstances, the start date of the course may be varied and this will be published when the course is advertised. An example of this might be when a course is scheduled to commence prior to a major holiday.
Time Allowed for the Online Course
The time allowed for undertaking the online course modules is five weeks, with the clock starting one week after the conclusion of the face to face workshop (unless otherwise stated). During this time, the trainee is expected to choose and complete 2 modules from a choice of 4 modules. Everyone then completes the mandatory module 5.
If a participant is unable to complete the online modules by the end of the allocated course time then the student will be considered to have failed to complete the course. Submission of assignments is not permitted after the end of this period and participants will not be able to proceed to the portfolio submission.
From time to time there may be a “break” in the online course if the course period falls during a major holiday.
Due dates for assignments will be on Sunday evening 11:59pm in the timezone of the Face to Face workshop
Participants are free to engage with content beyond the two modules they are required to complete but will only receive feedback from facilitators on assignments completed for the three “official” modules selected
The role of course facilitator is to provide feedback on assignments. Instructors may offer comment or feedback in discussions from time to time but participants should not expect replies for each post from course facilitator/s
Policy for Requesting Extensions for Completion of Online Work
Requests for extensions during the online phase must be submitted by email to your instructors prior to the due date of each module. Please note: Requests for extensions do not affect the due date of your portfolio. Your portfolio is due 6 months after the completion date of the online portion of the course, as stated in the syllabus.
Dropping Online Course
If you are unable to fully participate in the ISTE Certification course during the online modules then you may drop out of the course but no refund will be able.
Moving to a new online course
A participant who has fallen behind or has been removed from the current online cohort may sign up for another online session if there is one being offered within approximately two months of the original cohort. The fee for registering for a new online course is $250USD. Contact 21C Learning International directly for this service.
When a participant moves into a subsequent online cohort, the portfolio due date will be adjusted.
The portfolio submission area will open once you have completed all the work for the course and after week 5
Participants have 6 months to complete and submit the portfolio.
If the portfolio is not submitted within the time frame then the student will be deemed to have not completed the certification.
You are able to request a one month extension for $25USD and are able to resubmit if you do not pass on content for $75USD. These extensions and resubmission can be purchased online from the ISTE Website.
21CLI Sustainability Pledge
We are committed to reducing the impact our events have on the environment. To become a truly sustainable community we need you to help us in whatever way you can.
21st Century Learning International is committing to:
- Avoiding single use plastics
- Re-using items as much as possible from event to event
- Producing high quality collateral that people want to use/re-use, and encouraging our partners to do this as well
- Not to throw away what can be kept and reused
- Working with vendors to avoid unnecessary packaging
- Reducing use of “single use” non-recyclable signage
- Not to over cater events with perishable food and to ensure that any excess food is processed in a socially responsible manner.
- Providing event resources digitally where possible and encourage our partners to do this as well
- Carbon offsetting all flights we book in the production of our events
- Working with venue providers to ensure trash is separated and recycled where possible
- Continually seeking new ways to be efficient and sustainable and to update this pledge periodically
We encourage attendees at our events to;
- Only take as much food as you can eat
- Not taking collateral and gift items you don’t plan to keep and/or give away
- Providing mechanisms for participants at our events to carbon offset their travel impact
21CLI Code of Conduct
21st Century Learning International events provide opportunities to rethink and improve educational practice through face-to-face interaction with knowledgeable experts, innovators, and practitioners.
Code of Conduct
At 21CLI we assume that most people are intelligent and well-intended, and we’re not inclined to tell people what to do. However, we want all our events to be a safe and productive environment for everyone. To that end, this code of conduct spells out the behavior we support and don’t support at our conferences and other events. The core of our approach is this:
We don’t condone harassment or offensive behavior, at our event venues or anywhere. It’s counter to our company values. More importantly, it’s counter to our values as human beings.
We’re voicing our strong, unequivocal support of appropriate behavior by all participants. We invite you to help us make each event a place that is welcoming and respectful to all participants, regardless of race, gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, national origin, ethnicity, political affiliation, or religion. So that everyone can focus on the learning, and the great networking and community richness that happens when we get together in person, we will not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form—in person or online.
Examples of harassment include offensive comments, verbal threats or demands, sexualized images in public spaces, intimidation, stalking, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of sessions or events, and unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention. Harassment also includes slights and negative messages, both unintended and intentional, based solely on appearance (sometimes called microaggressions).
We expect all participants—attendees, speakers, corporate partners, and volunteers—to follow the Code of Conduct during the conference. This includes conference-related social events at off-site locations, and in related online communities and social media. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Conference participants violating this Code of Conduct may be expelled from the conference without a refund, and/or banned from future events, at the discretion of 21st Century Learning International.
Please bring any concerns to the immediate attention of the event staff, or contact one of our directors, Justin Hardman ( or Graeme Deuchars ( or complete this online form.
We thank our participants for your help in keeping the event welcoming, respectful, and friendly to all.
Thanks to the O’Reilly Media for permission to adapt their Code of Conduct.