21st Century Learning (21CL) is an international partner for delivering authorized professional development focused around the ISTE Standards.

The ISTE Standards are a framework for innovation in education. These standards help educators and education leaders worldwide prepare learners to thrive in work and life.

The Educator and Student Standards empower teachers, coaches, and administrators to move instructional technology from niche innovation to mainstream practice.

The standards provide a common language for teachers to plan curriculum and design lessons incorporating technology.

  • Student Standards

    Student Standards

    Today’s students must be prepared to thrive in a constantly evolving technological landscape. The ISTE Standards for Students are designed to empower student voice and ensure that learning is a student-driven process.

  • Educator Standards

    Educator Standards

    The Standards for Educators are a teachers road map to helping students become empowered learners. These standards will deepen educator practice, promote collaboration with peers, challenge you to rethink traditional approaches and prepare students to drive their own learning.

  • Leadership Standards

    Leadership Standards

    The Standards for Education Leaders support the implementation of the ISTE Standards for Students and the ISTE Standards for Educators and provide a framework for guiding digital age learning.

ISTE Leadership Academies

Professional development offerings which can be run as part of an inhouse staff professional development event or as part of a conference.
This session equips school leaders and aspiring leaders with an EdTech toolkit and actionable steps to frame the conversation at their school in terms of best practice in the utilisation of digital technologies.
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of the ISTE standards for educators and students and how they can be integrated with other technology frameworks. Participants will also explore how these frameworks can be applied to subject areas and curriculum to enhance teaching and learning with technology in a systematic way.
3 Hour Workshop
1 Day Workshop (6 hours)
Suitable For:
Classroom Teachers
Suitable For:
School Leadership & Aspiring Leaders

ISTE Certification

A rigorous professional certification aimed at educators taking their professional practice around the use of education technology to the next level.
Face to Face + Online
Kicks off with a high energy two-day face-to-face workshop in cities around the world. Followed by an fully asynchronous online course.
Fully Online
Beginning with an online course that blends live sessions, group work over a five week period. Followed by an fully asynchronous online course.
Part 1: Two Days Face to Face Workshop Part 2: 5 Week Online Course to complete 3 self-paced modules Part 3: 6 Months to complete Portfolio
Part 1: 5 Week Online Course (synchronous and asynchronous) Part 2: 5 Week Online Course to complete 3 self-paced modules Part 3: 6 Months to complete Portfolio
Suitable For:
Any educator who wants to take their use of educational technology to the next level to demonstrate their fluency with integration of ISTE standards with a world class certification

Also available: deMystifying ISTE – 1.5 Hour Workshop This session will provide an understanding of how the ISTE Educator and Student Standards can help support practitioners in moving instructional technology systems from vision to practice.

Why ISTE Standards Professional Development?

The ISTE standards target the knowledge and behaviors required for schools to support empowered learning with technology. They are focused on some of the most timely, yet enduring, topics in education today – equity, digital citizenship, visioneering, team and systems building, curriculum design, continuous improvement and professional growth.

ISTE Standards provide a roadmap and framework for digital learning at your school. Students Standards guide curriculum planning and lesson design; Educator Standards guide professional development for teachers and finally, the Leadership Standards provide a tool for digital age leaders to guide their school’s journey utilising technology in education. 

They are the perfect framework for guiding use of technology in a way that is purposeful and learner centered. The standards are focused on empowered learners and thus align well with other curriculum standards whether IB, Cambridge or AP. 

Get in Touch

ISTE Download Syllabus

Our Team

Stu Lowe
EdTech and Making Coach, Beacon Hill School
Liz Cho
Principal of Teaching and Learning at Korea International School
Alison Forrow
Digital Literacy Coach, United World College of South East Asia
Ben Summerton
Technology & Innovation Coordinator, Singapore American School
Steve Katz
Technology Coordinator, The International School of Kuala Lumper
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