Mike, Dion and Egmond Share Their Ideas for Building a Successful Technology Education Program

Let’s just imagine you were king or queen for year at a brand new school and charged with bringing in a fantastic podcasttechnology program. Nearly any device you want, hiring the support staff you believe you need and creating programs you think are important.
Would you know what to do?  Would you appreciate some help?
Michael Pelletier, Dion Norman and Egmond Boon put together a manual that could help someone in this very situation. Or even someone in a more likely situation at a typical school. Their masterpiece, titled, Don’t Just Do It, takes us through 12 steps it takes to build a truly comprehensive program from the ground up. Our discussion covers the foundations for a successful program, the pedagogical connections and, finally, what a classroom or school experience should look like.
Be sure to download a free copy (today only) of their manual, Don’t Just Do It, here.
Ok, I was kidding about the today only. Really it is free everyday.



Egmond Boon is an Apple Distinguished Educator and Certified Apple Foundations Trainer, Google Certified Teacher and Certified Google Education Trainer, Lego® Education Certified Trainer and Certified Digital Citizenship Common Sense Educator, with 19 years of working experience in various international environments.
Mike Pelletier currently works as Head of Educational Technology for a K-12 International School. He has managed EdTech solutions for several schools in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
Dion Norman is currently the K-12 EdTech Coordinator at a K-12 International School. He is a Google Certified Trainer and Teacher and a Common Sense Media Certified Educator and Ambassador. He started his career as a classroom teacher, where he became a Change Agent for the use of technology in the classroom.

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