Simon Power Brings Design Into a Design Studio at Shanghai American School

As a part-time technology and learning coach I am keenly aware that the role of the technology coach is changing. simonpowers (2) Maybe even disappearing.  
But we also know there will always be a need for innovation, iteration and change as part of education. How else can we help our students keep up with the world?
Simon Power of Shanghai American School is transitioning from a technology coach to an instructional coach and he is doing it, in part, but heading up the MS/HS design studio.
A departure from the computer labs of long ago and not to be called a stand alone makerspace, the design studio focuses on the process of design, the software that enables the designs to be built and the 3D printers that bring it all to life.
Simon shares the ideas behind the design studio, some samples of how it is used and the vision for the future.



Simon has been at Shanghai American School for 11 years now. He taught Media Studies in Australia many years ago, and spent a year on a teacher exchange in Denver Colorado. He has taught at SAS, MS Humanities, Elementary Tech and for the last four years back to MS for Technology.

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