Stacy Stephens Tells The Story Of ISB’s Futures Academy

Stacy StephensFor most of us (students and teachers) school starts around 8:00 and ends around 3:00.  We go from class to class, sit and learn something.
What if there was a better way?  What if we had some ideas as to what a “better way” looked like, but needed a program to help us figure all that out?
Maybe a prototype?
At the International School Beijing (ISB), they are doing just that.  Their Futures Academy model is a self-described incubator for testing new ideas and ways of delivering curriculum.  Taught to middle school students by teachers with an innovative attitude, the Futures Academy is helping push ISB in a new direction.
Stacy Stephens, ISB’s Director of Learning, shares why they started the academy, how it looks in the classroom and their plans for the future.  Hint:  She hopes they won’t need it in the future.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@curriculumstace”] “We can innovate and deliver standards based curriculum” Stacy Stephens [/tweetthis]


Stacy is currently the Director of Learning at the International School of Beijing. Previously she was Director of Curriculum at the American Embassy School in Delhi. An ADE and COETAIL graduate, Stacy is most interested in the intersection of educational technology and the development of a relevant modern curriculum.

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