Thank you for your interest in presenting at an upcoming TeachMeet. Your participation is really what makes the event successful and gives all of us a topic to talk to someone about.
Please note it is important that you sign up for the TeachMeet event as well. If you have not done so yet, please do so now.
Presentation Guidelines
- Micro-presentations are five minutes long and nano-presentations two minutes long. We ask people to be stick tightly to these deadlines for the benefit of other presenters.
- Presentations should not be used to sell a product or service. If you are a representative of a company please get in touch with us about sponsorship.
- Popular presentations are often a reflection or story of something real happening in classrooms.
- If you’re using the web, make sure you save a copy of your tabs, just in case the Internet goes down.
- It is possible to submit this form multiple times if you’d like to present more than once.
If you have any questions please email us at info@21c-learning.com