Our final interview from HK is with Anglea McFarlane. It was such a pleasure to be part of these interviews and I managed to learn from each of them.
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[tweetthis]Play should be a bigger part of education[/tweetthis]
This interview was recorded live at the 7th annual 21st Century Learning Conference in Hong Kong.
Professor Angela McFarlane has designed and directed a number of highly successful educational research and development projects over a twenty-five year period. Her research addresses the role of digital technologies in education, and has included the development of a series of commercially successful software tools. She has published research into the impact of technology use on learning, the culture of young people’s computer gaming and social learning online and the impact of personal ownership of mobile devices on education. Her development projects have resulted in a range of commercially successful products and reached schools across the world, with impact on learning documented through independent evaluation. She has advised governments in Europe, South America and South East Asia and the OECD.
Angela holds visiting chairs at King’s College, London and University of Bath and is a member of an advisory group for the Ministry of Education for England and Wales.
Her latest book, Authentic Learning for the Digital Generation is published by Routledge, London.