Julie and Katie Connect China To Students Around The World

The world is flat. It was New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman who coined, or at least popularized that Untitled designphrase. It basically means the barriers to communicating with each other have been largely lifted for large portions of the population.
But just because we can talk to each other all over the world, does not mean we are always taking advantage and/or leveraging it for greater social awareness. Julie Lindsay and Katie Grubb, my guests today, are bringing students together with their China Connect Collaborative. They are taking their own individual programs, Mandarin Pathways and Flat Connections, and combining those networks on this specific effort.

Connect with Katie and Julie


Julie Lindsay is an education consultant in global collaboration, author and global leader. Currently completing an EdD with working title ‘Online global collaborative educators and pedagogical change’ – http://www.flatconnections.com/about/
Katie is researching popular youth culture in China, virtual tours, sustainability initiatives, and
ways to use collaborative learning. The Connect with China Collaborative is part of this initiative.

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