I like to think overseas educators are a special group. Interested in adventure, new cultures, travel and working in
schools with a group of students strongly motivated to learn.
I think Dr. Leigh Martin, today’s guest, might agree with my view. Leigh runs the Master’s program in leadership for overseas educators for the University of Northern Iowa. Today we talk about what the program looks like, what the students look like and the future of education and professional development.
Connect with Leigh
- Twitter: @leighoverseas
“I find overseas teachers are, by their very nature, interested in continued professional and personal growth.”
Leigh has been involved in International Education for 20 years, first as an elementary classroom teacher in Egypt and Brazil and now as a university professor with an office located in Singapore American School. She gets excited about innovative ways of creating university programs to meet the unique needs of international educators. Along with her colleague Tim Gilson, she created the UNI Master’s degree program for teacher leaders in international schools.