2.) Sign in to your account. Go to ISTE Home page and click “sign in” on top right
4.) Once you have an account and are logged in use one of the below links to register
If you are registering just yourself use this link
If you are registering one person (not yourself) or yourself and others use this link.
5.) Once you have completed registration please forward your confirmation email to: info@21c-learning.com and we will send you access details to 21CLHK Online.
If you have a large group (more than 20) please reach out.
Register for ISTECert 012
In order to register for ISTE Cert you will need to use the ISTE Website. This involves a couple of steps
2.) Sign in to your account. Go to ISTE Home page and click “sign in” on top right
4.) Once you have an account and are logged in use one of the below links to register
If you are registering just yourself use this link
If you are registering one person (not yourself) or yourself and others use this link.
5.) Once you have completed registration please forward your confirmation email to: info@21c-learning.com and we will send you access details to 21CLHK Online.
If you have a large group (more than 20) please reach out.
Register for ISTECert 013
In order to register for ISTE Cert you will need to use the ISTE Website. This involves a couple of steps
2.) Sign in to your account. Go to ISTE Home page and click “sign in” on top right
4.) Once you have an account and are logged in use one of the below links to register
If you are registering just yourself use this link
If you are registering one person (not yourself) or yourself and others use this link.
5.) Once you have completed registration please forward your confirmation email to: info@21c-learning.com and we will send you access details to 21CLHK Online.
If you have a large group (more than 20) please reach out.
Let's Change Learning Together
Whether you're an administrator that needs guidance transforming their classroom or an organization seeking partnership opportunities, we're ready to get started. Drop us a line and we'll make that change happen.